Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Huntley Meadows Park VA, March, 10, 2012

The same day I took photos of the Eagle Pair at Morningside lane. Earlier in the morning I took these photos at Huntley Meadows Park,VA of a Red-shouldered Hawk sitting in a tree near the boardwalk. The Hawk sat there for awhile and allowed me to get a couple of perch shots then flew away as I captured these flight shots. It was a great day.

The Nest site and the visiting juvenile from last years

Here are a few more photos from March 10th, 2012 visit to the Morningside Eagles nest and a visit from last years juvenile.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Morningside nest Pair part 2 March 10, 2012

All of these photos from March 12th were shot on March 10th at the Morningside lane Bald Eagles Nest site along the Mt. Vernon trail along the Potomac River. I will continue to watch this nest. The pair does have either egg,eggs, or a chick in the nest. I watched as one of the pair sat in the nest and then the other mate showed up to take over the sitting duties. Also the same day the juvenile from last year showed up and the parents greeted the juvenile for a while and then gently guided the juvenile out away from the nest area.

Morningside lane Nest 2012