Thursday, June 14, 2012

Update to Fort Hunt Bald Eagles Nest season

The young Juvenile Bald Eagles have not yet started there Branching stage yet as of June 9th 2012. I took these shots of the Adult Bald Eagle along the bike path next to the Potomac River. I was taking photos of the juveniles in the nest when I heard the Kackals of the Adult close by. I ran toward the sound and It was up on a perch next to the bike trail. I started taking photos immediatly and tried to get a little closer and the Adult flew off. I didnt have my camera shutter speed set for fast action photography, so the shots turned out badly. The perch shots turned out very nice. I hope you enjoy them.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Prothonotary Warbler adventure June 9th 2012 Mt. Vernon Trail

June 9th 2012 after photographing Bald Eagles in the morning I was headed back on the Mt. Vernon Trail and stopped a my favorite spot for seeing Prothonotary Warblers. This time I got even better shots then the previous time out here. Here are some of the photos.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Prothonotary Warbler adventure june3, 2012

Prothonotary Warbler is one of the hardest bird species I have ever pursued over the four decades of bird watching and photography. I had to use ibird app on my ipad 2 inorder to get the bird to stay in the area long enough for me to focus my camera enough to get these photos. They are not my best but so far the only photos I have been lucky enough to take. I hope in the near future I can put up more spectacular images of this amazing Warbler.

Branching Juveniles at the Morningside Bald Eagles Nest

Update to the Morningside Bald Eagles Nest Juveniles. The juvenile eagles are now in the branching stage and seem to be ready to fledge. The other two of the juveniles were obscured by leaves in the way of getting photos of them. These were my best photos of one of the juveniles for the day. June 2, 2012.