Monday, June 13, 2011

Patuxent River Bald Eagles Nest update

It has been months since I checked in on the nesting activities of this Bald Eagle nest. I have been unemployed for the past several months and it has been impossible to get over to the site. I finally got a chance to get over to the nest with the help of my good friend Jay Mcdaniel and his wife Shamala. They were enthusiastic about going over to the park and mabey having a chance to see the Bald Eagles. I was excited because I knew there was a chance of possibly seeing young Bald eagle fledge at the nest. The series of photos you will see show the juvenile at the nest site. The adult was there near the nest but left as soon as I arrived in view. I will probably go back to the nest site at a later date now that I know the nesting season was successful.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Morningside Eagles Nesting Pair

This is an update of the Bald Eagle nesting pair on GW Parkway. This is the results of the hatch this year. I saw this juvenile fledge in the nest a week prior to this photo. This is the fledge from this nest site, now ready to face the world and learn how to be an adult Bald Eagle. I took this photo late in the evening around 6:30pm so the light was not the best. June third 2011. I went back on the fourth of June but did not see the juvenile anywhere. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks mabey i'll get lucky again. I still have to check another nest site in MD and hopefully I'll see another fledge.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Belle Haven Bald Eagles nest

I was traveling up and down all day on the GW Parkway on March 13th after seeing eagles at one location south of Belle Haven Marina Park. I decide to return to Belle Haven Park wich is located near Alexandria VA. When I arrived at the park it was very crowded and I walked up the path toward the eagles nest hoping to see one or both of the pair at the nest. I did not see them when i arrived there so I decided to leave the park. I started to walk toward the parking lot,by the time I almost reached the parking lot I stopped to survey the Potomac River for wildlife and mabey an eagle in flight. I stayed there for thirty minutes and started heading to my car when a biker coming from the nest road by me and said go check out the eagle sitting in the nest tree. The eagle probably just arrived there only minutes ago. I turned back around and headed to the nest quickly and once I arrived and saw the eagle. I started to take photos of the eagle perched in the nest tree. Im not sure weather the other partner is actually sitting in the nest on eggs or this eagle lost its partner and is looking for a new replacement. I hope to get photos this year of several different eagles nest with chicks and other birds of prey with their young.

Morningside nest site March 13th

I went back to the nest on March 13th, 2011 and saw four eagles fly over the nest site. I did not see any activity until I was a distance away from the nest on a bridge. looking at the nest from that distance I was able to see into the nest slightly enough to see an adult eagle sitting on eggs in the nest. This proves that the nesting pair will have young eagles this year. Here is a photo.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Potomac River Island Bald Eagles Nest

This eagles nest is in site of the GW parkway going south towards Mt. Vernon Virginia. In the past I didnt see any activity at the nest. but today March, 8th and eagle was standing on the nest indication that there mabey young in the nest and he or she is gaurding the offspring. I will hopefully get better photos when I have my 5oomm lense back and put a doubler attachment to increase the focal lenghth and get better detail in the birds. Here are some photos I took today at the nest site. The first photo was taken last week when I saw nothing on the nest.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Wildlife photography: March Nest Activity at the Morningside site

Wildlife photography: March Nest Activity at the Morningside site: "I checked the nest this week several times but only saw a little activity. I finally got some photos on March 2, 2011 of one of the pair ..."

March Nest Activity at the Morningside site

I checked the nest this week several times but only saw a little activity. I finally got some photos on March 2, 2011 of one of the pair comeing to check out the nest. He or she landed across the road and perched. I had some trouble withe my camera and had to leave for awhile inorder to get another SD card. I return to the same spot and found the eagle was still perched. I set my camera up to take photos and after a few frames the eagle took off and I was lucky enough to capture the take off and flight.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Belle Haven Marina Va Nesting Pair of Bald Eagles are at the nest

I caught a ride over to Belle Haven Marina from a good friend and promised him we would see the Bald Eagles that day. The very hour we got there I had a good feeling and as we approached the nest I saw the pair sitting up in a tree next to their nest. It was a great surprise especially when at first I thought we would have to wait mabey an hour to see them return to the nest. It was probly 3:45pm when we arrived at the nest. It was a great day.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Bald Eagle nest activity

I have started a wildlife photography project for myself this winter. I plan on capturing photos of Bald Eagles at their nest as they prepare to get ready for new young later on in the year. I hope to get photos of the eaglet chicks once they have been born into the world. I started already on January 3 2011 but had no luck capturing the Bald Eagle on the nest, but I did see the eagle for a brief moment on the nest. I'll return in a couple of weeks to see if they have setteled at the nest for the season. In the mean time I will continue to capture whatever wildlife I come across at the various parks I go too.