Wednesday, May 30, 2012

This was May 21st 2012 at the Fort Hunt Bald Eagles Nest site and the one photo that I have here has all three  juveniles together and the second photo has only two of the Juvenile eagles together with the Adult. I will have more photos up soon. They have not started the branching  process yet so there will be more to come in the next few weeks to come.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Fort Hunt Bald Eagles Nest

This is the Fort Hunt Bald Eagles nest four miles south of the Morningside Bald Eagles Nest site. So far I only see two Juvenile Bald Eagles but the lady who showed me this nest her name is Marina said that since they had three last year that they may have three in the nest this time. This nest is quite large and like before It is not always possible to see into an eagles nest from certain perspectives.

This is an update on the status of the Bald Eagle Juveniles at the Morningside Nest. I last identified two juvenile eagles in the nest but on Saturday May 19th with the help of a friend who showed me a better viewing location of the nest on a more elevated position we both counted three Juveniles sitting in the nest instead of two. I did take a picture but its not the best due to not having a tripod and having to hand hold my camera. If you count from right to left you will see identify the three juvenile eagles. I will also have other photos of the juveniles which may only show the two which seemed to be more aggressive in there personality. These photos are from May 19th and 20th 2012 at the Morningside Bald Eagles nest. I also took photos from the trail view which is not the best look at the eagles.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

May 12th near the Bald Eagles Nest along the Mt. Vernon Trail

These photos are the few that I took waiting for action at and around the nest site. Although there was a lot of activity in the nest by the two juveniles practicing there wing flapping excercises throughout the day.  The adults were not around the nest very often so I had to seek out other opportunities along the trail like the raccoon photo I caught later in the evening. Hopefully soon within the next upcoming weeks the Juvenile eagles will go into the Branching stage so that I will have photos of the new eagles to show you.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Morningside lane Bald Eagles juveniles in the nest May, 5th 2012

Morningside lane Bald Eagles Nest May,5, 2012

The weather was cloudy but very warm. I walked to the nest site and waited for some activity, after an hour of waiting I decided to sit down and rest after along day of bird watching and photography. After leaning back for a minute and looking up at the nest all of a sudden an adult Bald Eagle flew by the nest but did not land at the nest. I decided that would get up and look carefully at the nest and see if there was some activity but nothing was visible at the moment. A half hour later something moved in the nest I looked a little more carefully with my binoculars and suddenly saw a large body and head movement and then another movement on the other side of the nest and realized these were two juveniles that are ready for flight training. The Adults have success for 2012 with two young new eaglets that are now old enough to transition to the wing excercise and then the branching stage. This made my day to see these new edditions to the eagle world. My photos weren't that good but once the juveniles have moved away from the nest out in the open Im sure I will get some great photo's. The most enjoyable part about seeing the young juveniles was seeing them test their wings and lift above the floor of the nest. What a wonderful experience it is to see them so healthy and strong. I can now say it was another successful nesting season at this nest site and give me hope for the future.