Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Huntley Meadows Park Blog 6/22/2013

Iam back at Huntley Meadows Park in Virginia for the duration of summer,fall and the early part of the winter until the 2014 Bald Eagle Nesting Season. So you will see alot of wildlife photos taken from this park in most of my upcoming blogs. I hope you enjoy my photos and please join my blog and comment. thank you. The following photos were taken in one day of photography at the park many of the photos are of feeding behavior of young birds and adult animals. Green Tree frogs, young Barn Swallows being fed by parents, young Blue-gray Knatcatchers being fed by parents,Beavers feeding, a young ruby-throat hummingbird perching, a Great Eagret flying from a perch and a deer grazing in the marsh.

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